È possibile identificare, nel più ampio panorama scientifico, aree di ricerca che già vedono coinvolti singoli ricercatori dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata che potrebbero essere interessati ad aderire al centro. I molteplici argomenti di ricerca che potranno essere coperti nel centro includono:
- Methodological open questions on AI and Cognition
- Natural Language Processing
- Knowledge Representation and Cognition
- Knowledge discovery and acquisition
- Modelling of human learning and knowledge acquisition in complex domains
- Cognition and the Semantic Web
- Language Acquisition and Use in Artificial Systems
- Speech Processing
- Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Understanding
- Cognitively inspired Machine Learning
- Computational Theories of Learning
- Computational Natural Language Learning
- Logic and Automated reasoning: deductive, probabilistic, diagnostic, causal and analogical inference
- Ontology definition and updating
- Cognitive Architectures and Cognitive modelling for Artificial Systems
- Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) and BICA systems
- Cognitive Robotics
- Evaluation of cognitively driven AI systems compared with other AI approaches
- Decision Support Systems